Casino or dance hall?
If you grew up in Fort Erie, you probably called the old three-storey structure on the promenade the "old dance hall." But it was generally referred to as the "casino" back in the day. Which do you prefer? Send me an email or leave a comment below.
when my 2 cuz's and I were growing up in the 60's we spent alot of time at what we called the old dance hall. They lived in Ridgeway so we took that long bike ride to the dance hall down Garret rd. Evertime we went there was like our first time. I thought and still do think that it was so awsome how they painted the pic's on the concreat wall. I now for the past 27 years live in Tx. But I can till you that even at 51 years old I'll never forget that place and the AWSOME people of Canada.I love Canada and always will.
Tony Zizzo
As a kid, we vacationed in Fort Erie every summer. The Öld Dance Hall"as we called it was just a short bike ride or walk from the cottage we rented (End of Garret road. Left turn along ? road on the water, a right turn took you into some trees and a path that led right to the old dance hall.)I used to go fishing there and at the old broken concrete pier. I remember HUGE carp swimming around in the concrete "pen" in the rear of the Dance Hall..Brings back GREAT memories..Kissed my first girl there back in 1972..9 yrs. old..Mary Ann (something?) was her name..she lived on Garret road year round..
Thanks for sharing. It was a great place in the summertime.
Hey I remember that place too me and some friends had beer parties and set firecrackers off in there cops told us to knock it off but didn't bust us for the beer haha this was summer 1978/79 I also kissed girl who lived on Lakeshore Rd I don't recall her name..
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